For all COVID-19 information, please CLICK HERE

Please be advised that we will be changing our pharmacy software system in the near future.
This means that the process for submitting online refills will change as well.
Please keep checking back for updates.

Dedicated to your health.

We opened Kanan Pharmacy because I recognized the community needed a real need for personalized, cost-effective, and efficient care. As a second generation pharmacist growing up in my father's pharmacy, I understood that people want have unique needs and deserve the attention and empathy large corporations do not provide.

"Providing excellent patient care is the main priority here at Kanan Pharmacy."

Tony Cassar
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  • Recargas de medicamento
  • Equipos médicos
  • Asilo de ancianos
  • Envio de medicamentos

It is health that is real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver.

Mahatma Gandhi